
Most CSUF employees are considered responsible employees.  This means that they are obligated to report any instances of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and retaliation to the Title IX and Gender Equity Office.  There are some confidential resources and reporting options available to students and employees.

If you choose to report confidentially, you must understand that the University will be unable to conduct an investigation into the particular incident or pursue disciplinary action against the respondent, if you choose to maintain confidentiality.

Even so, confidential professionals will still assist you in receiving other necessary protection and support, such as victim advocacy, disability, medical/health or mental health services, or legal services. They may not, however, be able to assist you with University academic support or accommodations, or changes to University-based living or working schedules, or assist with adjustments to course schedules. Only the University and the Title IX Coordinator can assist with those matters.  A victim who at first requests confidentiality may later decide to file a complaint with the University or report the incident to the police, and thus have the incident fully investigated. These counselors and advocates can provide you with that assistance if you wish. These counselors and advocates will also explain that Title IX includes protections against retaliation, and that the University will not only take steps to prevent retaliation when it knows or reasonably should know of possible retaliation, but will also take strong responsive action if it occurs.


Confidential Sexual Assault Victim's Advocate

The Campus Confidential Advocate is a confidential reporting source for issues of sexual assault/misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.  A Campus Confidential Advocate can assist with crisis support and safety planning; accompaniment to medical exams, law enforcement interviews, and court or campus hearings; and referrals to campus and community resources for support or aftercare.


Web: in new window

Campus Advocacy Intake Appointment SchedulingOpens in new window

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS counselors are available 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday to assist with urgent situations, emergencies or serious crises related to psychological concerns. Students in crisis may walk in to CAPS during these hours and will be seen by a counselor in a timely manner.

Phone: 657-278-3040 - students may also call this number after 5 p.m. and on weekends and days when campus is closed to speak with a counselor via phone.

Campus Location: Student Health & Counseling Center (SHCC)

Web: Counseling & Psychological Services web siteOpens in new window

Crisis Text Line: Text "home" to 741741

University Police Department (UPD)

UPD Police officers are available to answer questions, take reports, and refer to the appropriate jurisdiction depending on where the crime took place and, in some cases, can provide limited confidentiality.  Survivors have the right to have an advocate present when reporting to or interviewing with law enforcement. 

Phone: 657-278-2515

Campus Location: University Police (on N. State College Blvd. adjacent to the State College parking structure)

Web: University Police Department web siteOpens in new window

Student Health Center

Students may wish to seek medical attention and can do so confidentially at the Student Health Center.

Phone: 657-278-2800

Campus Location: Student Wellness (West)

Web: Health Services web siteOpens in new window


Certified Sexual Assault Counselors respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week via a rape crisis hotline, to police departments and hospitals, and through two rape crisis centers. Comprehensive and confidential services are provided to victims of rape and other sexual assaults, sexually abused children, and their family members.

Phone: 714-957-2737 or 949-831-9110

Web: Sexual Assault Victim & Prevention ResourcesOpens in new window


Confidential Sexual Assault Victim's Advocate

The Campus Confidential Advocate is a confidential reporting source for issues of sexual assault/misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.  A Campus Confidential Advocate can assist with crisis support and safety planning; accompaniment to medical exams, law enforcement interviews, and court or campus hearings; and referrals to campus and community resources for support or aftercare.


Web: in new window

Campus Advocacy Intake Appointment SchedulingOpens in new window


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The EAP provides confidential, professional assistance to help employees and their family members resolve issues that affect their personal lives and/or the employee’s job performance.

Phone: 1-800-367-7474 (confidential)

More Information about EAP: Employee Assistance Program web siteOpens in new window

Access online: - CSUF employee passcode is "Titans"

University Police Department (UPD)

UPD Police officers are available to answer questions, take reports, and refer to the appropriate jurisdiction depending on where the crime took place and, in some cases, can provide limited confidentiality.  Survivors have the right to have an advocate present when reporting to or interviewing with law enforcement. 

Phone: 657-278-2515

Campus Location: University Police (on N. State College Blvd. adjacent to the State College parking structure)

Web: University Police Department web siteOpens in new window


Certified Sexual Assault Counselors respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week via a rape crisis hotline, to police departments and hospitals, and through two rape crisis centers. Comprehensive and confidential services are provided to victims of rape and other sexual assaults, sexually abused children, and their family members.

Phone: 714-957-2737 or 949-831-9110

Web: Sexual Assault Victim & Prevention ResourcesOpens in new window